Jumat, 26 Agustus 2011

DotA (Defense Of The Ancient)

            Yeah now its the time for me to review my second game , and its a game called DotA.My friends often ask me why dota makes you all so addicted. As a dota addict myself, let me explain why dota has become one of the hottest games in today cyber cafes.
                                           This are some gameplay of DotA

        In DotA  (Defense Of The Ancients), there are 2 sides. The Sentinels and the Scourge. The aim is to take down the main base of the opposite side. It normally takes an average of 1 hour per game to finish. It is a team game and is usually played in the 5v5 format. Okay, to find out more about DotA look on to my review.Different items are an asset to different heroes, benefiting that hero in a different way. Each items can be created by a combination of 2 items or a recipe. There are 92 items total (as what is saw from the wikipedia), however, that includes a combination of individual items includedItem choice also effects play style, as any given item may increase one statistic (for example, attack per minute) while leaving another (damage per attack) alone.
                                           And this are items in the game

      They also allows players to upgrade their spells or skills to defeat their enemies.Many different variaties of skills and magic offered by this game.Different people have their own skill build usually they build their skills which they fit the best.DotA offers a variety of game modes, selected by the game host at the beginning of the match. The game modes dictate the difficulty of the scenario, as well as whether people can choose their hero or are assigned one randomly. Many game modes can be combined (for example, an easy difficulty level and a random hero pick), allowing more flexible options. Thats all for my second game review about dota thx :)

Kamis, 04 Agustus 2011

Seal Online

                         First game that I will discussed is Seal online, this is the example of MMORPG game. This also the first game MMORPG game I played. For you who dont know or never heard about Seal online before, this game is first published in Korea at 2008, and was brought here by one of the game provider in Indonesia named LYTO.I was interested in this game because of its graphic and I see that this game is not quite hard to play like other MMORPG game where you will get bored on the leveling system.

                    When I started playing this game with my friends, I realized that the coolest feature in this game were its skills and equipment.Getting level in this game is not that hard you only need to do the quest it only need around 10 minutes to become level 10 from level 1.Other feature were their guild, you can form a guild with your friend and take control of another town in the game. Every sunday there is a event called Guild War, there you can battle another guild and grant a point which is use to buy a town.For buying or selling equipment you can create your own stall at the town. Usually many people make their stall in crowded town so many people can looked at their shop.In the shop you can give your own price and people who want to buy your equipment can make a bid in the stall or just bought your equipment this feature enable to leave your game to do other things. If you don't want to buy equipment from other players, you can also make it on your own but this require special job that is Craftman. Making your own equipment also take long time but it is more cheaper than buying from another player.

                                              These are some screenshot from Seal online

                                                                   These is knight job

                                                              And this is warrior job

Hunting or taking Quest in this game can be done by having your party. 1 party can consist only 5 players and the maximum gap between each level was 20 level. For example if you were at level 50 you can only have party with other players between 50 until 60 not higher. There are also a quest where you have to defeated a boss which you will never can defeated him alone.So you have to invited your friend and together defeated the boss.Thats all I know about this game.Hope you enjoy my review ^^